Challenge: Increase engagement on the HUB Website and foster a sense of community among students (and have lots of fun!)
Outcome: Plant Bite - School TV program, where students share favorite recipes from their home countries, and I veganize them. We taste, rate, and discuss why each recipe is special to them!
Date: 2023 - now

Building Plant Bite - how I grow my show!
Identity Development - Developed a show that included virtual cookbook, Instagram Channel, full-episodes streamed on HUB website, and podcast streamed on School Radio.
Collaboration - promoted University Events: Vegan Week, Sustainability Club, Uni’s Open Days, and organized contest to increase students’ participation in research surveys.
Design - designed logo, stickers, animations, posters, and virtual cookbook
Community Engagement - Built a sense of community by hosting students and exploring their heritage and culinary traditions.
Softwares - Used Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition, Adobe Illustrator, Procreate, Procreate Dreams to enhance the quality.